Mar 7, 2017 | Brand Identity, Coral Gables, Creative Agency, Digital Agency, Digital Marketing, Florida, Graphic Design, Illustration, Marketing, SEO, Social Media, Website design, Wordpress
Storytelling for business is essential to branding success They say a picture paints a thousand words, but unpacking a powerful story can be equally, if not more effective. At DESIGNHOUSE, we pride ourselves on a “personalized boutique level” of customer...
Sep 22, 2016 | Marketing, Web Design, Website design, Wordpress
WordPress Websites continue on the rise in 2017 A reliable and easy to use content management system (CMS) is at the top of the wish list for individuals and business owners who want a successful website. A website is a key marketing and information tool for...
Apr 18, 2016 | Coral Gables, Digital Agency, SEO, Web Design, Website design, Wordpress
WordPress Agency Design House on why WordPress rocks. Design House is an award-winning WordPress agency specializing in WordPress website design & developement. We build and design WordPress websites from the ground up or customize existing WordPress themes...
Mar 4, 2016 | E-commerce, Web Design, Website design, Wordpress
WordPress is the best content management system (CMS) for businesses that seek a reliable & stable platform that is cost effective. A fully functional and professional website is key to the success of every business. Whether you operate online or offline, a...
Jan 19, 2016 | Brand Identity, Coral Gables, Creative Agency, Digital Agency, Digital Marketing, Florida, Graphic Design, Illustration, Marketing, SEO, Social Media, Web Design, Website design, Wordpress
Interactive Art Designer & Co-Founder Gretel Vinas talks about the success of her fast growing digital agency that she started from her home office. Interactive art director & front-end designer Gretel Vinas. Design House a full-service digital agency...
Dec 30, 2015 | Creative Agency, Digital Agency, Digital Marketing, Graphic Design, Illustration, Marketing, Photography, Web Design, Website design, Wordpress
A website that is not updated loses value and trust. Your site should be treated like a garden. Here are some tips to keep your website updated, fresh & ready for 2016: Install HTTPS / SSL and stay Google compliant. You can also enjoy an SEO boost. Replace old...