What the heck is Social Media really and why is it important in 2015?
Social Media
The new digital landscape has disrupted everything as we know it. The old methods of marketing and advertising are basically dead for most businesses. This change has paved the way for social media and other digital marketing services. SOCIAL means to socialize, to interact or engage. MEDIA represents a mass communication via a platform or channel. It is quickly becoming the preferred choice for brands to connect and communicate.
In 2014, we learned just how important it was for brands to connect on social media. Almost every large brand has a social media presence and is actively engaging and connecting with their target audience on a variety of social networks. So how do you know which platforms you should use? Knowing your target audience is key to determining which platforms to roll-out. However, the rule of thumb is also knowing which platforms have the most active users. This is why Facebook and Twitter should definitely be part of your social media marketing mix.
Statista provides social networking data use by age groups. Knowing your demographics and what they like are important when implementing a social media strategy. Some of the most popular social media platforms in 2015 include:
Popular Social Media Networks in 2015
Instagram (13% adults ages 18-29, African-Americans, Latinos, women, urban residents )
Facebook (67% women, adults ages 18-29)
Twitter (16% adults ages 18-29, African-Americans, urban residents)
Pinterest (15% women, adults under 50, whites, those with some college education)
Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project Post-Election Survey, November 14 –December 09, 2012. N=1,802 internet users. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish and on landline and cell phones. Margin of error is +/- 2.6 percentage points for results based on internet users. Facebook figures are based on Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project OmnibusSurvey, December 13-16, 2012. Margin of error for Facebook data is +/- 2.9 percentage points for results based on internet users (n=860).
People are using mobile phones at a higher rate every year, and social media networks such as Instagram and Snapchat are growing their user base every day. To grow your brand, it’s important to take full advantage of the tools social media provides to reach your target audience.