
WordCamp Miami 2014

Design House is proud to be a sponsor of Miami’s 2014 WordCamp to be held May 9 through 11 in Miami, Fl. WordCamp Miami is the place to be from beginner WordPress workshops to expert level workshops this May for web savvy web developers, web designers, plugin developers and online marketers who want to understand the latest and greatest in WordPress!


What Is WordCamp?

This year marks the fifth anniversary of WordCamp Miami, a weekend series of talks about all things WordPress. WordCamp is a chance for the entire WordPress community to come together share ideas and engage with others who share their passion for Web technology and marketing. This year’s speakers run the gamut from the foundational standbys to the exciting newcomers, including:

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  • Dre Armada, Co­Founder of Sucuri Security and Co­Host of Drad Cast
  • John Carcutt, SEO and Social Media veteran
  • Cody Landerfield, Founder and Director of Mode Effect, a WordPress consulting firm
  • Josh Eaton, Senior Developer at Reaktiv Studios
  • Carl Hancock, Co­Founder of Rocketgenius, Inc. David Bisset, Organizer and Speaker of WordCamp 2014


These are just a few of the exciting speakers who will address dozens of important topics at WordCamp 2014.

Why Is Design House Sponsoring WordCamp?

Design House has been committed to sponsorship,  developing and contributing to the WordPress community for many years. With a combined 15 years of web and design experience, the experts at Design House has been working with startups and organization alike transition online and develop targeted marketing strategies that connect brands with their customers.

Why Should I Be Involved with WordCamp?

WordCamp is unlike any other conference you will attend this year. If you want the chance to get together in a relaxed, informal setting with experts  who share your interest in web, design, online marketing and the latest in web ­based ­­technology you need to be at WordCamp 2014. Design House is proud to be a sponsor of WordCamp 2014. Come join us and find out what all the fuss is about!

May 7th Write Up on WordCamp Miami in The Miami Herald.
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