Bounce rate, the lower the better!


bounce rate

Bounce rateThe lower your bounce rate the better!

Bounce rate, the lower the better
. What is a bounce rate? It’s the rate at which an online visitor lands on your site and then leave . The longer a visitor stays on your site, the better, obviously. The lower your bounce rate the better. A rate of 10% is great while a rate of 90% is poor. A low  rate is critical to the success of your website’s conversion rate. The lower the bounce rate, the higher the chances of conversation.

From the analytical perspective. 
This data tells us if we need to fine-tune or enhance our website performance. Some reasons for a high bounce rate can include poor content that is not engaging or related to the visitor’s search criteria. Other factors may include a poorly structured design and navigation, one that does not flow and visitors are getting lost on your site, not finding what they are searching for right away.
What is your monthly bounce rate?
Use this data to help you gauge what your website needs. Remember the longer a visitor stays on your website, the likelier they will make contact with you. Through Google analytics  you can read the data and translate it into what’s happening our your website. Other important indications is traffic. Where is your traffic driving from. This is critical to measure your marketing campaigns and the success . The data helps you tweak and manage goals that drive traffic to your website. If you don’t have a Google Analytics account set one up now. Youtube also has tons of videos on how to learn and help you understand the analytics of your website. Once you have a better grasp on how you website works, you will learn what to do to improve it and then ultimately know which tools to play with to make it do what you want.